Recommended reading for broad-minded thinkers

Update December 2024

Recommended list of alternative publications

This list of blogs and online news portals will appeal to broad-minded thinkers. Some are very learn-ed or learned, as Homer Simpson might say. Some lean to the left (trying to restore the ship to an even keel). A few will lead you on to other blogs and in-depth reading.

Australia’s oldest blogger, Everald Compton, is politically astute and his writings demonstrate a depth of compassion which ought to be the benchmark for admission to politics.

Former public service mandarin John Menadue maintains a blog called Pearls and Irritations. He also curates a weekly newsletter with links to writings by others.

The Conversation is so much more than a blog – real journalism written by experts in their fields.

Politico breaks stories and sustains good quality, in-depth news about the US.

George Monbiot is a British writer, known for his environmental and political activism. Van Badham pops up here and there, trying to right the ship.

There are satirical/fake news websites aplenty including The Shovel and The Shot. RonniSalt (a pseudonym) writes sharply and fearlessly.

Long Reads and Medium are sites where you will find longform journalism, short fiction, interviews and analysis by skilled writers and thinkers.

Michael West is a fearless former mainstream finance journalist now doing the serious investigations the others ought to be doing.

Australian author Hugh Lunn has been writing a series of memoirs on his decorated journalism career on Substack. He has a knack for drawing you in to the story.

First Dog on the Moon is a cartoon with the country’s best satirical words. Vale Leunig.

Which brings me to the stalwart alternative media including The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, Crikey and The New Daily. None of them can exist of fresh air. Take out a subscription, or at least make a donation. Collectively they are the alternative to the Murdoch-dominated media empire with a blatantly obvious agenda.